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Preliminary examination of the creditability of examinations taken abroad

If you want to complete part of your degree programme abroad and would like to have the examinations you take there credited at Osnabrück University at a later date, you have the option of having the eligibility of the courses you plan to take abroad checked in advance. The respective representatives of the Business Administration, Economics and Business Informatics departments are responsible for the preliminary examination. The Controlling department carries out the preliminary examination for modules in the area of Business Administration. Please note the following information:

1. The assessment of eligibility for credit transfer takes place after the confirmation of the target university or after the confirmation of nomination by Osnabrück University. This applies to Erasmus partner universities as well as other partner universities of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics or Osnabrück University.

2. We require the following information for each module to be checked in advance for eligibility for credit transfer:

  • Title, course description and outline (e.g. according to the module description; in German or English)
  • Literature used (e.g. according to module description)
  • Information on whether the course is part of a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme and in which academic year the course is planned there
  • Type of examination
  • Number of ECTS credits to be acquired. If no ECTS credits are awarded (at a university in another EU country), information on the actual scope of the course (duration of the individual sessions in minutes and number of sessions) is required!

3. If you wish to have a course from a Bachelor's degree programme credited towards the Master's degree programme, the following requirements must also be met:

  • The Bachelor's degree programme at the foreign university covers a period of at least four years.

  • The course to be recognised is part of the teaching programme of the fourth year of study.

4. The enclosed course documents must be sufficiently detailed to give us an idea of the content of the courses to be credited and the depth with which the content is covered. On the other hand, it is not helpful if you provide us with all the information you find on the website.

If you cannot find any meaningful documents on the homepage of the host university, please write to the lecturers concerned and ask for these documents.

5. According to paragraph (9) of the Richtlinien des Fachbereichs 9 für die Anerkennung von außerhalb der Universität Osnabrück erworbenen Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen  module can only be credited for the specialisation phase of the Bachelor's degree programme or for the compulsory elective area of the Master's degree programme if it predominantly teaches advanced content from the respective elective area at Bachelor's or Master's level.

6. Send us the documents in good time (at least two weeks) before any deadlines.

7. In addition to the course information, we need you to provide us with the completed Formulare zur Bestätigung der Anrechnungsfähigkeit (Teile „Persönliche Daten“ und „Kurse“).

8. Please submit all documents by e-mail to sekretariat.marketing@uni-osnabrueck.de. Your e-mail with the subject ‘Pre-recognition of academic achievements abroad’ contains only one pdf file as an attachment with all documents (please merge all individual files beforehand). Your contact person before submitting the documents is Katharina Stiegemeyer after submission, reply to the emails you receive.

9. As a rule, it is not necessary to appear in person. However, if this should exceptionally be the case, we will contact you.

10. Unvollständige Unterlagen können leider nicht bearbeitet werden. Um Verzögerungen zu vermeiden, prüfen Sie also in Ihrem eigenen Interesse sorgfältig auf Vollständigkeit.

11. Wir prüfen Kurse vorab auf Anrechnungsfähigkeit nur in dem Umfang, wie Sie sie auch im Ausland tatsächlich besuchen können und wollen. Bei einem Semester Auslandsaufenthalt bedeutet dies, dass Sie Kurse im Umfang von 40 ECTS-Punkten vorab prüfen lassen können (30 ECTS-Punkte reguläre Semesterleistung plus 10 ECTS-Punkte Reserve; bei Kursen im Nicht-EU-Ausland: Maximaler Workload 1.200 Stunden). Wir prüfen also nicht alle überhaupt nur denkbaren Kurse; solche Anträge werden nicht bearbeitet.

12. Das ergänzte und unterschriebene Formular zur Bestätigung der Anrechnungsfähigkeit wird Ihnen dann in gescannter Form per E-Mail vom Studiendekanat zugesendet.