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School of Business Administration and Economics

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Major "Sustainability, Behavior, and Environmental Policy" in Master Economics

In the winter semester 2024/25 it is again possible to choose the major "Sustainability, Behavior and Environmental Policy" in the Master Economics.

In the video, Prof. Dr. Engel together with Zhana Elian present the new focus in the Master Economics program in a lecture from December 2021.

Presentation of the new major from Prof. Dr. Stefanie Engel.

Here you can find more information on the page of the economics department.

Summer Semester 2025

In the upcoming summer semester 2025, the Department of Environmental Economics offers the following courses:

"Economics of Environmental Behavior and Policy" (MA)

You can enroll in the course in StudIP.

The following Seminars will be offered:

"Contemporary debates on climate change" (BA)
"The Inner Development Goals as a novel approach for sustainability transformation" (MA)

The participant allocation for the bachelor seminar will take place via HISinONe. The selection of participants is done manually after the registration and based on individual applications. As an application, we ask to send your current performance record (OPIUM Leistungsnachweis) to bee-teaching@uni-osnabrueck.de (The application deadline is the 21.04.2025). If you are part of the MSc program in Economics and are planning to do the specialization in ‚Sustainability, behavior and environmental policy‘, please indicate so in your application email. Students from the specialization and those close to finishing their studies will be given priority.

Winter Semester 2024/2025

In the upcoming winter semester 2024/2025, the Department of Environmental Economics offers the following courses:

"Environmental and Behavioral Economics" (BA)

You can enroll in the course in StudIp.

The following Seminars will be offered:

"Approaches to Sustainability Transformation in Agriculture" (MA)
"Economic growth, well-being and environmental quality" (MA)

The selection of participants is done manually after the registration and based on individual applications. As an application, we ask to send your current performance record (OPIUM Leistungsnachweis) to bee-teaching@uni-osnabrueck.de. (The application deadline is the 06.10.2024). If you are part of the MSc program in Economics and are planning to do the specialization in ‚Sustainability, behavior and environmental policy‘, please indicate so in your application email. Students from the specialization and those close to finishing their studies will be given priority.

Summer Semester 2024

In Summer Semester 2024, Prof. Engel will be on sabbatical. Nevertheless, the main courses will be offered by the team and partly supported by video recordings. Thesis supervision continues as usual.

In the upcoming summer semester 2024, the Department of Environmental Economics offers the following courses:

"Economics of Environmental Behavior and Policy" (MA)

You can enroll in the course in StudIP.

The following Seminars will be offered:

"Contemporary debates on climate change" (BA)

"The Inner Development Goals as a novel approach for sustainability transformation" (MA)

The participant allocation for the bachelor seminar will take place via HISinONe. The selection of participants is done manually after the registration and based on individual applications. As an application, we ask to send your current performance record (OPIUM Leistungsnachweis) to bee-teaching@uni-osnabrueck.de. (The application deadline is the 15.04.2024). If you are part of the MSc program in Economics and are planning to do the specialization in ‚Sustainability, behavior and environmental policy‘, please indicate so in your application email. Students from the specialization and those close to finishing their studies will be given priority.