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17. October 2024 : Franziska Gaupp speaks at Sustainable FUTURE Summit in Hamburg

The Sustainable FUTURE Summit, a series of events organized by the FUTURE Institute for Sustainable Transformation in Hamburg, brought together experts, decision-makers and interested actors to discuss topics relating to sustainable transformation in society and the economy.

Franziska Gaupp at Sustainable FUTURE Summit in Hamburg Großansicht öffnen

© Isabel Schaefer

Franziska Gaupp at Sustainable FUTURE Summit in Hamburg

The first event in the series, on October 9, focused on the Attitude-Behavior-Gap (ABG) - the gap between consumers' attitudes and behaviors with regard to sustainable consumption and the use of products and resources. Franziska Gaupp was invited to present her work on “The Role of Agency in Positive Tipping Processes”, where she and her co-authors, Sara Constantino (Standford University) and Friederike Lenel (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), review the drivers of a sense of agency and investigate how a tipping point toward sustainable behaviour can be fostered in social systems.