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Here you can find an overview of some of the current research projects at the Department of Corporate Management. You can also find more about or research on the pages of the individual emloyees.
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Project: Value of Information (VoI)
The research object of the project Value of Information (VoI) is the modelling and evaluation of additional information in the context of uncertainty and its consequences for optimal decisions in the context of ecological-economic problems as well as its quantitative estimation in concrete applications of nature conservation and sustainable biodiversity research. Whether and which information a person should obtain is a decision problem, the solution of which is equivalent to the evaluation of the information. The objectives of the cooperation of economists and natural scientists range from a conceptual-analytical consideration of the value of information to concrete questions for obtaining additional data with regard to the expected effect of an improved data basis for decision-making in the context of nature conservation measures.
Cooperation with PD Dr. Thorsten Upmann, HIFMB at the University of Oldenburg & University of Bielefeld. More information on the research cooperation can be found here.

Project: Leadership in the Digital Age
How is leadership changing in the digital age? What are the challenges for managers? These questions are answered in our research project.
Coauthor in this project: Dr. Milan Klus, University of Bremen
First results:
1. Discussion Paper The Digital Leader: What One Needs to Master Today's Organisational Challenges,
2. Discussion Paper Identifying Leadership Skills Required in the Digital Age,

Project Funding by BMBF and MWK
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony (MWK) are funding a project in the field of business administration/corporate management headed by Prof. Dr. Julia Müller as part of female professors for Lower Saxony programme.
Here you can find more information: BMBF and MWK